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Starseed/Lightworker Miasms (3)
Posted October 2, 2006

The Psychic Self Defense Series: Understanding Energy Dynamics
by Lisa Renee

The material below has been adapted from a series of articles on pyschic self defense written by Lisa Renee mostly in 2004, and posted on her Energetic Synthesis website. I have extracted the material from these articles that seems most relevant to individuals dealing with SLMs. This material is reproduced with her permission, and with my gratitude.

Introduction to Psychic Self Defense
Thoughtforms and Entities
Attachment Cords
Karmic Return
Superimpositions (Unprovoked Energy Attack)
Starseeds and Lightworkers

Introduction to Psychic Self Defense

During the past few years it has become apparent to me that this topic has had an increasing need to be discussed and explored. There just does not seem to be much material available on this subject. More and more as we are being accelerated in this Ascension cycle, we will have a need to better comprehend the dynamics of these forces that impact our lives in ways we may not have had an awareness of before.

This inner vision and higher sensory perception is what we need to develop as a part of our intuitive discernment to navigate future circumstances. The "Old" and "New" energy paradigms are struggling to integrate and our world will continue to appear greatly conflicted and be even more chaotic. There are many conflicting agendas working here at this time. The Guardians want us to be informed as to what is going on so that we can make that personal choice ourselves rather than be manipulated by controlling forces. This work is intended to educate us about the dynamics of this reality in order to assist us in reclaiming our self sovereign god power. When we have this greater knowledge, much of which has been intentionally withheld from the masses, we can begin to learn how to use the great wellspring of God power within us.

This is the series beginning that dialog of explanation as to why it is necessary to understand "Psychic Self Defense" and the various phenomena related to psychic attack or energetic drain. Since my client base, including myself are within the Family of Light workers, Starseeds, Healers and the sincere Spiritual Seeker, it is our group that will find this of greatest value as we are becoming increasingly and exponentially Multidimensional. We are developing mastery of our energy fields and energy bodies in order to attain the self realization of our Multidimensional God Nature in this cycle of Ascension. When we are fully in our power and we comprehend our Multidimensional nature this issue will cease to exist. However in this transitory phase into accepting and living with our true nature, we find ourselves at an interesting crossroads of this evolutionary growth cycle

Understanding these energy dynamics are a powerful evolution tool and will assist your navigation through these energies much easier if you have a basic comprehension that these forces do indeed exist.

I observe the energies and Auric fields in varied degree of the still sleeping human, those humans operating their consciousness at the material plane level with an awareness of only their five physical senses. Also I observe the higher vibrating consciousness field of Multidimensional humans mutating through their Spiritual Ascension. In the still sleeping human I observe in their Auric field what I call "old" patterns of energetic debris, emotional trauma and the garden variety "entity" attached to clumps of astral debris.

In the awakening human, especially our particular group of World Healers, I am observing all kinds of new energetic phenomena with much more complexity. I have viewed various structures and devices from Alien origination (other life form) and what I would refer to as "Superimpositional" forces draining or creating discordance in a person's energy field. Superimpositional means the person is not consciously aware of this energetic or alien attachment and it has been "imposed" upon them in an area of their consciousness that they have not yet cultivated. This energy is uninvited and parasitic in nature and utilizes the power source of a particular human energy body that the human may not even be aware he has as an aspect of "himself". When your energy is being drained or utilized by another source, even if you are not aware of it, it depletes YOU.

It becomes a negative interference in your energy body creating blockages such as illness or difficulties in manifestation. In accelerated cases it can result in a full or partial "possession". This is why it is important to begin to use your own higher sensory perception so that you can become aware of these energies and then take charge. You become the "Captain of your ship" by directing your own personal energies for your own intentional use. In this way you, as a Multidimensional energy being, become very difficult to be manipulated or controlled by these negative forces. As you have greater comprehension of how these forces work, you will gain greater self mastery and awareness creating liberation from these lower forces.

It is important to get comfortable in this world of energetic phenomena through educational awareness so you will begin to break free of the social stigma around this issue that creates fear in most people. There is nothing to fear as this is the dynamics of how energy works in a dualistic system such as ours on planet Earth. Once we understand that this phenomena exists, we can explore our Multidimensional anatomy and then better comprehend the natural laws of which humans are governed by in this energetic system. We begin to amass the tools to realize that we are playing a part in a stage of evolution that is divinely orchestrated.

We can then become purposeful in our power as we are divinely guided by our higher selves to achieve and direct our soul's desires. We can consciously interact with these higher forces to create more accurate manifestations and experience more joy in our daily lives. As we hold these higher vibrating patterns of self awareness, it becomes increasingly difficult for these negative energies to superimpose upon your energy field and take advantage of your life force. Further, as you become self aware you begin to heal these lost aspects of the shadow self and these energies become dissolved into the unification of the balanced light you really are.

This is why I would like to investigate Psychic Self Defense and share with you what I have come to observe through my own experiences. Further as most of us are gaining self-mastery and personal power into becoming a prototype of a "New Energy" spiritual warrior we will become increasingly exposed to such forces.

We are the Mapmakers into the New Worlds, We hold the Keys. We are becoming Cosmic Citizens. To keep us informed and in our personal power I am offering my findings, my personal experience and welcome the input and methods that others are finding effective through their own experiences. I leave this for your edification and challenge you to stretch way beyond your beliefs or limitations. We are being called upon to be entirely self aware and master our personal and planetary energy fields. We are crossing a wide chasm from the "Old" energy world of the third dimension and building the bridge to the higher dimensions and therein resides the New Era and higher expression of life and creation we have been waiting to experience. And so we begin!

Psychic Self Defense

The commonest form of psychic attack is that which proceeds from the ignorant or malignant mind of our fellow human beings. Dion Fortune- Mystic Author

Building a Strong Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Immune System:

Why is it that some people frequently seem to be under 'psychic attack' and others seem to be oblivious to it? Is it just that some people feel it more, or are others better protected?

I am frequently asked questions on how to protect oneself from psychic attack or techniques for personal protection. While many techniques can certainly help alleviate the symptoms, overall the problem will not be solved unless you address the underlying cause - and that will take some personal effort and responsibility.

You might think of the immune system as a part of the physical body only. However, this is not the case. It is just as important to develop a strong psycho-emotional and spiritual immune system. Also the effectiveness of your physical immune system will, in actuality, depend to a great extent on the strength of your psychological and spiritual immunity.

Whether spiritual people like to admit it or not, Life in this dimension is a battle. Even the great Paramahansa Yogananda said, "Life is a Battlefield". The fight exists on a variety of levels and one must learn to be a spiritual warrior in life. First you are fighting to remain conscious and stay awake in a reality where the mass populace is generally asleep to their environment and their divine nature. Staying out of automatic pilot and from letting the subconscious mind control your life takes constant vigilance to stay mentally alert and stay present in the moment. Second, keeping negativity and negative thoughts away from your energy field and thought processes takes disciplined awareness. As well does the ability to maintain staying in the flow and remain balanced and in harmony with yourself in order to have clarity and inner peace

With the plethora of new energies and resultant dimensional shifting, there is also a battle to maintain personal health and heal from physical imbalances through healing the experiences of unresolved life trauma, conflicts and karma. Some of those issues you are healing may even be from parallel lives or multidimensional experiences. However one of the biggest things you must fight, along with energies within yourself not coming from the soul, are the negative energies coming from other people and the environment.

As you go through personal soul evolution and learn to gain mastery over the lower nature, this process becomes easier through conscious awareness. Life becomes easier and more enjoyable at these levels. This information is to help guide you to comprehending the barrage of negative energies coming from other people, the astral plane, the mental plane, and other dimensions that interact with us, all of us energetically every day. One cannot win the battle until it is understood what it is you are up against.

In the beginning of understanding this material and its application as a practice in your life, I urge you to remain in "engaged detachment." You do not have to do or believe anything that does not feel right to you personally. This will assist you to integrate this information impersonally without feeling emotionally overwhelmed. Let it become a source of " informational consideration." You can tell your mind, Hmm….. I feel uncomfortable with that, however I will consider it. More knowledge is power. Integrate what feels appropriate and true to you and at your own pace. I cannot emphasize this enough!

The conscious mind or ego is very fragile to dismantling its perceived belief systems and will rebel, kick and scream and feed your fears. We are going to discuss beyond third dimensional perception to nonlinear concepts that challenge all belief systems you have ever thought, held or told was true since you were incarnated in this realm. The linear mind and what we have been trained as "logical" process of thought …is actually the polar opposite of how the multidimensional realities exist within all of us. We are waking up to these multidimensional aspects of ourselves and our potential worlds as cosmic citizens.

Utilize this opportunity to redefine your self and your views to the world and only take in what feels true to you personally and discard the rest. This will become increasingly very important for you to experience these "New Energies", the new era we are moving forward into. The goal is to become invulnerable to these effects and enjoy a smoother, easier and balanced life in harmony with your real self and in harmony with God Forces. For in truth, you are Spirit and as you realize this potential you are no longer a victim to anything, you then can become a master and cause of your reality.

So, what is psychic attack?

Even if you don't feel specifically 'attacked' on some level it is valuable to cultivate awareness and practice doing the exercises, as issues may manifest in other ways in your life, such as illness. Some of the reasons for an attack on your personal field/space/aura may include the following:

- Environmental or governmental exposure and disinformation
- Thought forms or entities already in, or attracted to your field
- Attachment cords between yourself and another
- Karmic return to you or your ancestry
- Unprovoked attack by another in the form of karmic manipulation, spells, curses
- Forces resistant to your lightwork, healing work or conscious support of Ascension
- Life form or negative alien attempts to control through fear or implant for manipulation

Once you are aware of how the problem may have been caused you can take steps to rectify the underlying cause and protect yourself from similar problems in the future. You have all the inner power and resources you need within you to resolve and rectify any of these issues effectively.

Informed awareness to deal with these issues when they manifest in your life without dwelling on the negative aspects of them is the goal to balance and achieve positive results.

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Thoughtforms and Entities (11 November 2004)

On psychological and spiritual levels one has to deal with the negative thoughts, feelings, emotions and energies of other people. The 3D world has basically institutionalized negative ego behaviors and lower self consciousness as it permeates through every aspect of our society.

If you are not strong in your energy field, awareness and personal power to ward off these energies it can absorb into your subconscious, drain your energy and leave you feeling heavy.

Negative elementals, thought forms or disassociated thought forms latch onto your aura causing dark energy spots causing drain and psychological imbalances. Just as a disease is contagious to the human body, negative thoughts are contagious to the mental body. The mental body is a part of your energy field that generates on a plane of its own, all substance that is your "thoughts". We have a mental plane basically separated in two main areas, with lower areas for basic functioning and as we gain mastery over our creations, a higher mental plane area to access higher expression of thoughts. Mind is the builder of form, and so it is a plane where all thought substance is created and interacted with to begin the thought form to manifest into physical form.

When words are spoken or thoughts are thought, a 'thought form' is projected out. It might just stay in your field, float around randomly, or it may be directed at or about another person. Every time you watch television, a movie or read a book you generate thought forms. There are no neutral thoughts, they are either positive or negatively charged. Many thought forms are as mindless as the subject matter, some are loving and others may be nasty or violent. When you live or work in close proximity to other people you are subject to not only the thought forms you generate but those you come into contact with.

So as there are parasites in the physical body, the etheric body will be carrying debris or hangers-on as well. Just as you shower to clean your physical body each day, you should also develop self-awareness and make an effort to cleanse and clear your etheric body too. Otherwise all the lower vibration muck, such as these negative thought forms and other energetic debris may create blockages in areas of the etheric body, the energetic gridwork, the chakras and meridians from receiving vital force and eventually affect the physical body from healthy functioning.

So what can you do to prevent this? It is important to be aware of the thought forms you are generating, about yourself, about other people, the sort of entertainment you watch and read. Intend to clear from your field all thought forms that are not your own and visualize a barrier to keep negative thought forms impenetrable from your field. The Silver Rain visualization or Platinum Net technique is a good daily practice to clear and protect your field. Working with the Lords of Karma in energy balancing and clearing your field is also superb. I have become aware of a dispensation of a lattice work of light, called the "Core Fear" matrix removal program that does work to release and remove implanted emotional response and trauma patterns. This has definitely improved emotional charge and repatterned a neutral association to many key emotional themes in my life and that of my clients.

The advantage of clearing your field of dark thoughts is that you do not attract more and compound the problem, which brings us to the next topic of entities. When you become weakened physically, psychologically or spiritually this leaves you open to psychic attack from the lower astral plane, (most commonly) and possibly other planetary or dimensional source. In cases where energy is severely depleted entity possessions and spirit attachments may form. Further obsessive thoughts, addiction, deep inner turmoil or personality disorder imbalances result in attracting lower energies and entities.

Earth bound spirits (discarnates) are attracted to those who resonate with lower emotional states, such as addiction, anger, etc. that they themselves have not worked through in their own incarnation when alive on the planet. Interesting to note that karmic residue and remains cannot be cleared outside of a physical form, hence the tendency for lost souls to find a human body energy field to attach to. Many times there are those persons whom are fighting off addiction and addictive tendencies only to have these urges, cravings and messages from the subconscious to be manipulated through an entity attachment or other negative energetic influences. These symptoms are greatly reduced when an entity attachment is removed. However if the person continues to indulge unhealthful habits, live in imbalance or does not take responsibility to clear conflicts, the entities will reattach to the "damaged" spot in the energy field, until it has been cleared emotionally and resolved completely.

Like attracts like, and if your field is full of dark thought forms it may attract dark little entities that come in to enjoy the space you've provided. They also attach themselves at times when your resistance is low such as during illness, grief or stress.

Most entities that attach to us are not evil, they are just lost little souls or fractured pieces of soul. Sometimes we will have people hanging around who have passed over but not sure where they are - especially if they have led very physical lives without much spirituality, or if you are still keeping cords of attachment to them. Spirits who died with addictions will also hang around live addicts trying to satisfy cravings. The variation of entities in the etheric is wide and varied.

The first thing to decide is whether or not you want these entities with you or not. Even though they are draining your energy and will cause physical problems, some people are not ready to let them go. They may have become familiar and comfortable at some level to the ego's sense of structure and fear will surface at the thought of releasing old patterns of behavior attached by entities. It is best to remember that they only stay with your permission, and all of them have their proper time and space to return to where they should already have gone. If you want them to leave you must be firm. Bear in mind that some health problems, energy blockages and spiritual growth will not improve as long as they stay in your energy field.

With practice you can see these energetic forms, like entities, as you scan your field regularly with your inner vision. If you have trouble visualizing them, learning muscle testing, asking for guidance and spiritual help is very effective and powerful. Cultivating your particular higher sensory perception will be unique and individual to you. Some people are more clairaudient, clairsentient and lastly clairvoyant. With practice and your intention to bring your intuitive gifts to the surface it will transpire very quickly. The challenge is learning to trust your intuition and the guidance when revealed to you. This is what takes the most time, to build the confidence and trust in the messages and discerning the ego self from the higher self guidance. Your intention to remove any of these items while visualizing running light through your field, between your grid work and out of your chakras and into the Earth will help immensely. When finished create around yourself a protective bubble sealed around and through your aura before venturing out into the world.

Allowing more light into your field and performing spiritual house cleaning will assist in your spiritual growth, inner peace and connection. However, after you become more proficient, when your field is clean you will feel the constant pressure of the negative thought forms coming from the other people around you. Thought forms can create residue in spaces, rooms and places that may make an energetic sensitive person very uncomfortable. This too, may give the impression of psychic attack as you feel pressurized by the density of its substance. However learning boundaries by maintaining your personal power and understanding the energy dynamics you share between people and things makes it incredibly easy to remedy as you progress.

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Attachment Cords (11/18/04)

Also known as "etheric" or karmic cords most energy healers/intuitives are acutely aware of these cords existing in a myriad of patterns in the human energy field. Some of them are sourced in a present incarnation while others exist in parallel dimensions, apparently a strong enough emotional cord will permeate through any time and space! Truly our emotional body and the chemistry that is our emotions is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe and one of the gifts we have received from God Source. It is worthwhile to understand the impact and incredible force of power that is our emotions and direct this power wisely. Let us investigate cording….

Etheric attachment cords (energetic ties) commonly form between people, places, timelines and objects, especially when the connections are deeply emotional in nature. These attachments clairvoyantly appear as long thin stringy cords, like great long etheric telephone wires. When these attachments remain between people they can become a conduit for draining energy from the filled to the empty. Generally this is usually from the person who has made the effort consciously or unconsciously to energize the one who is an energetic vampire. These cords can also send and receive pain, guilt, fear and any number of thoughts and feelings that may not even be yours. Also traumas experienced at various times in one's life may create cording and fracture your energy to split off and be depleted into the past at the source event. Hence the importance of being present in the eternal "now" moment as one has available all energetic resources when the consciousness is aware in present time. Much illness and imbalance is caused from depleted energy resources meant for the present moment use, however, the mental body is whirring in obsession over pain from the past experience leaving the body severely depleted.

It is possible many times these cords drain away energy gridwork from your etheric body where the attachment is attached, depleting the area of chi and leading to imbalance or disease. Often these problems can be perceived as a psychic attack when strong emotions flare up. You can muscle test or utilize a pendulum/guidance to be clear whether what you are feeling is in fact an attachment and then take steps to clear and release.

The more attachments you carry, the more conduits for potential problems and loss of energy and gridwork in your field. This will also slow your vibrational increase in one's efforts to evolve as your light body is trying to build more gridwork to maintain that energy level and vibration. Releasing attachments with forgiveness and acceptance goes hand in hand with spiritual growth.

Attachments that form may be imbalanced or conflicted emotions that we are carrying in our beliefs and/or connections to others. Lacking awareness of our personal boundaries we give away pieces of ourselves energetically due to guilt, conditional love and allow our power to be drained when we conform to another's expectations of us without allowing acceptance for who we are at the authentic levels. To fully release cordings one must be able to identify and do an honest inventory of personal emotional behavior and habits. Any conflicting emotions should be separated out. If one is confusing love with support into codependence, or taking responsibility for others happiness then you are opening yourself up to invasion by others, the ambiguities of these interrelationships may prevent you from fully cutting the cords. Examining one's true self in comparison to the subtle abuses we are exposed to from external sources, such as our upbringing, religion, societal expectations and other programming is important to gain clarity towards regaining our autonomy.

As a practitioner in energetic healing it has been clear for me that emotional conflicts left unresolved from the past will create sympathetic response in organs, tissues, areas of the body where the trauma may be "projected" and stored energetically within all layers of the body and its field. That particular event of perceived trauma or suffering will be lodged as a "dark" clump of negative goo or tar like energy, sometimes with multi-cords, layers of attachments to various other life experiences that triggered the same response sourced at the original event of trauma. This compounds the original trauma with even more accumulated debris and to my inner vision appears something like a dark clumpy octopus with tentacles sourced at various timelines and events that trigger the source dark clump of energy to activate the emotional body to experience further pain sensations. Commonly I experience with clients the perception of a sensation of a deep wound of trauma, let's say as example, established as a very young child. The trauma timeline at the age of the child gets splintered, a piece of the soul's spirit fragments off from the pain of the experience and shuts down various energy functions that develop into psycho-spiritual wounds later as an adult.

Deep wounds left unresolved make a pathway from the energy bodies to the physical body and lodge and store the trauma patterns cellularly and the physical body starts to create imbalance unique to the incarnates genetics, ancestral/karmic patterns and other factors. Emotional release, soul retrieval and additional physical bodywork, as in neuromuscular re-structuring, is needed when the wounds are deep and held for a long period of time.

Also I will add in my personal experience I have witnessed an energetic entity, spirit attachments, multiple personalities or just a dark being latched on to this "wound" and manipulating the emotional response to that of its desire rather than to its unaware subject. This is why clearly it is important to break outside the 3D box we have been conditioned as our absolute reality and understand these dynamics and not allow anything uninvited in your energy field. The simple antidote to this phenomena is maintaining your personal power with the built in god-awareness you have in you, your intuitive faculties, and stating your command. You will need to be responsible for your healing for it to be permanent. Many times your inner child or subpersonalities will be sabotaging you from emotionally repressed and built up fears.

One interesting factor to note is the energetic and physical act of sexuality and its implications on the energy field. The sharing of fluids between two people creates a spiritual bond or cord of energy that cannot be broken energetically, unless made aware of, cleared of conflict and transmuted. So psychological bonds may be broken once a serious relationship has ended, however the spiritual energetic cord still continues to exist. Amazing! These cords are like electrical wires with energy passing back and forth through them, the power based on the depth and intensity of the connection. It is also important to understand that the thoughts and emotions held or the state of consciousness you are holding when you are having sex is what you are implanting into your partner. Naturally being in love, holding loving thoughts with the desire to serve your partner is the goal when you are blending at this level with another being. The incredible emotional impact of love as a force shared and blended in a soul union can burn off karma and even contribute an amazing force of transformation for others. Understanding these karmic bonds you create with people every time you have a sexual interaction surely creates more discernment in one's choices for a partner.

Below, I have included a "Cord Cutting Visualization" as a guideline for your working with releasing and healing these attachment cords.

Find a quiet uninterrupted space to let yourself relax and take three deep cleansing breaths. Imagine yourself standing within a beautiful peaceful place, a meadow, lakeside, or a sea shore. Take a few moments to feel the surrounding nature with your imagination. Ask your higher self to blend with you or be present. Create a larger flat area in your peaceful place and draw a circle of light around you, the circle delineates your protected space. Call in the higher self of the person you wish to release attachment cords with. Draw another circle of light (not touching your circle) around them as you visualize them standing in front of you. Explain to them why you are doing this exercise, that you wish to be free of old emotional conditioning and psychic bonds that have built up in the past or from expectations of the future. That you intend to keep unconditional love flowing between you and be released of mutual expectations for the highest good. Look and see if you notice the cords symbolically and how they manifest themselves. As you sense them, snip them off with giant golden scissors, first from yourself , snipping and removing them and healing and sealing the places with light, then removing them from the other person. Make sure you get snipped all the cords you sense, even looking around the backs of both of you. The snipped cords can be piled aside or left aside. Where possible, let unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance as an energy of intention flow everywhere, every cell and pore through you and the other person. Then see the person in their circle of light in a space separated from yours. Gather all the cords and see them in a violet flame bonfire being transmuted and burned away. ( Or you can call in the 7th Ray Violet flame of Transmutation and ask all the cords be transmuted into purity of God perfection) Take a moment to feel the sensation of the bonfire Violet Flame energizing, warming and healing your body as you watch the fire destroy all cords and simultaneously revitalize you. Wrap yourself in a tube or bubble of light encasing your entire being. Bring your attention back into your room and allow a few moments to readjust and breathe in. Use your grounding technique or envision your feet grounding vines of energy deeply into the center of the earth.

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Karmic Return (11/25/2004)

Many of the things that happen to people in their lives, which they may presume are attacks or bad luck, are in fact cycles of karma returning to be balanced. The basic law of karma states as what you sow is what you reap, what you put out comes back to you. This is the Universal Law of cause and effect. The interesting thing about Karma is that it extends over many lives. For a long time on Earth and due to the shortened life spans and the lack of awareness of humanity, karma tended to carry over into many future lives. This compounded the problem, as future selves were unaware of this carried-over karma and unwittingly added more. Many incarnates see themselves as 'victims' of whatever has transpired in their lives thinking they had done nothing to deserve bad luck or problems. In fact many of these events are simply lifetime lessons to achieve and gain more self mastery, self realization and soul growth. Many times the energies of karma are administered impersonally, as it is directly linked to the way natural laws of energy behave in that dimension and the human beings energy field of consciousness ( as incarnated) that houses every instruction set and soul agreement for that lifetime and the karmic influence of other lifetimes. By virtue of the simple mechanics of the operation of the dimensional laws, the human being is subject to those laws and plugged into that energy as soon as the body is birthed into physical manifestation at that level. That means the soul planned its incarnational karmic contracts and aspired to resolve and transcend that karmic instruction set in its lifetime for various purposes of evolution.

To describe a few of the different levels and layers of karma, at the personal level it is what you have personally set into motion with your own consciousness. At the group level it has many layers of what you choose to be born into as a group with race, genetics, religious affiliation and so forth. At a national level it is what demographic and country you are born into and experience its influences upon your lifetime. At the planetary level, it is the particular school called Earth of which many lessons and experiences are provided. You must deal with planetary karma at the phase of history or timeline you are born into. It can be said all these layers of karma are personal to you as the soul chooses these factors before coming into each incarnation.

Now as we reach an end cycle of creation, the time of "Ascension", the karma "buck" has stopped, as Earth is on her return journey upwards in vibration. All species who are accompanying Earth in the transition through the 'Ascension' - including all of humanity - must clear all the outstanding and unfinished karmic business. This means that any new karmic effect generated in this lifetime must now be cleared and balanced in this lifetime - not carried forward, and all ancestral karma that was left unfinished must now be cleared as well.

Are we responsible for our ancestor's misdemeanors? Yes, we all are. We are genetically the sum total of our ancestors. We carry in our cells not only their physical attributes but their cellular memories, genetics and the karma that must be released and brought to balance. The great news is that we have many dispensations to clear karma and its entanglements via the Law of Grace, the forces of the divine grace of God. Choosing to experience this grace over karmic cause and effect for the sincere seeker is powerfully transformative and liberating.

Many humans are now also rising in vibration within their personal energy fields simultaneously with the Earth. This not only gives them a new intellectual interest in spiritual things, but will also awaken new understandings and new ways of viewing the world. The coming era is a balancing of energies within all structures in order to lay the foundation of new paradigms of human reality.

As humans increase in vibration, the ability to start touching on new vibrational bandwidths that can be accessed to release information and memories, thoughts and feelings that previously you were not aware of, is made available. This may start as a remembering of previous lifetimes, or feeling the pain, panic or love from these ancestral memories. If you are unaware of where these emotions or sensations are coming from, you may perceive they are external to you and if the feeling or thoughts are unfamiliar, you may think someone else is sending them to you.

Much of what the currently awakening spiritual people feel is not actually psychic attack from the outside, but karmic release and integration from the inside. This is where being able to pendulum or muscle test can help you pinpoint where these impulses and feelings are coming from and then how best to treat it.

So what is the best way to address this ancestral karma? Most of the time it is the best choice to simply go with the flow, surrender and let it release out through you. It is important to find detached awareness that allows you to observe these events as much as possible, without judgment or over involvement personally. Much of the time you do not have to live through each detail or process it consciously. You are acting as the living conduit to release and balance those energies held in your ancestral lineage. Many of us at this time of the shift into ascension have taken this on as a soul contract and have incarnated with strong intent to serve this purpose in humanity's evolution. Some of these energies may take longer to release than others, and you may encounter them again cyclically as you move up through the higher vibrational bandwidths of consciousness. People and circumstances will return to you to be integrated at the higher octave of frequency or resolved of conflict and healed. Cord cutting techniques as described in the previous newsletter may be especially helpful in these circumstances. Moving through the planes of consciousness means you are integrating more aspects of self existing in several timelines and dimensional spaces to become an even greater whole of creation. You may experience sensations of no-time (voids) or of time manipulation, moving further back through time or acceleration into a future time. Dreaming experiences during sleep time during this phase of our evolution may be rather intense as our being and guidance utilizes the subconscious and astral states to release and clear a lot of accumulated debris over lifetimes.

It appears overwhelming as it sounds like a lot of work to do, but we are sharing this task by large with everyone and everything on the planet. You are physically and energetically related to hundreds of thousands of other humans sitting at various bandwidths of vibration who are currently helping to balance and release this karma as well. It is just that many of them are not aware that they are doing it by the very essence of their existence and lifetime. With your conscious awareness, you are also in a position to have your ancestors help you through the karmic releasing. When they have finished releasing their karma, it is possible to invite them to merge their gifts and talents with your energy field and you'll discover new interests as well as make your process more enjoyable.

Additionally, there is a small group of humans akin and to be known as the "mapmakers" who have been intimately involved with the planetary evolution and have been working hard over the last several years to keep ahead of the human vibrational increase and release and heal the really serious karma so that humanity has a safe roadmap to follow as they ascend. Sometimes I refer to my light worker family as the "cosmic filtration" system, which is not unlike its literal interpretation!

More about Karma

Possibly there may be other, more direct karma returning from things that you have done consciously or unconsciously in this lifetime or immediate past or parallel lives. It does not matter if you do not remember the event, or that it does not return in the same way it was sent. The laws of karma are energetically balanced and seek to resolve and reconcile always.

Karma is not a person or god figure sitting in judgment of you. It is an impersonal energetic force that flows and must come to be balanced before it can move on. What flows in one direction will also flow in another direction before it comes to balance. Unconscious karma may, for example, be repaid in the unconscious (it may be remembered in a dream) and not played out on the physical plane. Once karma has been released, let it go with love and forgiveness and it will not need to repeat. You will also find yourself experiencing a sensation of being 'lighter' of heart and vibration and able to move up in bandwidth once the old karma and patterns are no longer holding you back.

The word "karma" has been associated with an event that is considered negative or bad, the idea you must suffer because of a soul lesson has not been learned. Transcending suffering by calling in the law of grace and surrendering to your spiritual connection and receiving it's support is a huge step towards tapping into divine states of peace and serenity. It brings with it the acceptance of allowing the divine will and wisdom to permeate your life making life experience much more enjoyable. I truly wish to offer another perspective which eases the ego's tendency to personalize and overwhelm the emotional body with understanding more about the purpose of life challenges and its relationship to karmic energies.

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Superimpositions (Unprovoked Energy Attack) (12/2/2004)

The Psychic Self Defense Series continues with the topic of superimpositional forces upon a Human Energy Field or in simpler terms, an unprovoked energy drain or attack by another. This is a dicey subject matter to language and therefore I am more "wordy" in an attempt to bring some intelligibility to comprehending such phenomena within the ethereal worlds. The point is this series is intended to inform and provoke thought, never to evoke fear. Utilize this information for your every empowerment.

To continue this topic we must intend to explore with neutrality, intuitive discernment and an open mind. As from the perception of an "investigative reporter" motivated to gain greater knowledge of the truths and the complexities that we ARE, and how that "mechanism" of our energetic existence interacts within the dynamics of our world. Every cell, every pore of our energy field is held within an immense layering of other fields that connects us all to each other and to the even vaster levels of a" Unified Field" of all creation. We are One with the Universe and All creation, as It is One with Us. Nothing we do, think or create is separate.

Most of the negative interference we are dealing with in our lives is caused from us not comprehending our energy fields (our minds and bodies), how they work, and consequently this causes an imbalance in our ability to live in harmony with the natural laws. The "natural laws" (or universal laws) are really a way to explain that our reality is governed by fundamental truths that are energetic laws to which we are bound, by virtue of incarnating into the physical realm. When we understand and live within those laws, harmony prevails and our lives become released of obstacle and suffering. At that moment of self realization we may now begin to recognize that we are actually "creators" with an amazing opportunity to experience our physical manifestations and interact with them. This allows us to become more fully self / soul actualized when we have the capacity to express a passionate joy enabling us to participate fully in our conscious cocreations in the world. We now can experience unlimited opportunity in a world of form.

I am a definite proponent of integration, balance and understanding the mechanism of the human ego. As we go further delving into discussion of such matters, there is a danger of the ego falling into various pitfalls of projection, blame, fear or victim-hood. The greatest psychic self defense is the shield created from a position of personal "god-self" power and psycho-emotional mastery. Since we are Spirit having a physical experience, the polarization we experience in the emotional spectrum as humans makes this a slippery slope of balance and micro-adjustments. This is where the borders of realities, illusion and delusion may blend and there is a need to have grounded support and guidance through our transitions. We are beginning our ascent to higher frequency bands of consciousness that will integrate us on a pathway to become multi-dimensional human beings. This IS the process of "Ascension" of which we are fully "underway" and that will be continuing to accelerate. I have begun this series as a tool for you to gather information before it happens so that you may smoothly integrate your process. To be prepared and empowered with this knowledge will create a much smoother process for the human ego experiencing these transformational energies.

Self examination and inquiry is tantamount to the exploration of our inner secrets and god's mysteries being revealed through us. This revelation is our divine inheritance leading us to Self Sovereignty, a lifetime free of suffering and blindness. And so the examination continues.

Superimpositions or unprovoked energy attack Directed attacks is a more rare occurring phenomena to the general populace, however it is worth having a comprehension of the various levels and possibilities. In my experience the more energetically sensitive or consciously developed a human being is (as that is reflected in the energy field multidimensionally), the energy field of that person is more vulnerable to impositional energy from a variety of sources. We will start with a general look into karmic manipulation although it has the possibility to manifest at many different levels and scenarios.

This is an area one must gradually explore at your own pace as appropriate to you. This has been a challenging topic for me as I inherently tended to be in conflict with the idea that there are unprovoked attacks by negative interference perpetrated by a form of "evil". Many advanced healers and light workers refuse to believe that this exists in the other dimensions and psychic world. Denying acceptance of negative interference is possibly the ego's way of creating a defense mechanism. It all may feel too much to integrate in addition to the various demands we experience in third dimensional life. However this does not stop these energies, events and attacks from happening.

In the beginning of my awakening process, in building my light bodies and communing with various beautiful light beings and members of the spiritual hierarchy, I completely refused to think or believe there was "evil" and that most of what is perceived as evil was the ignorance of the human collective mass mind of low vibrational thoughts. I believed that this type of negativity did not have a "consciousness" intentionally to harm others but that it was seeking more impersonal balancing of karma through natural laws. As this is accurate in some cases, I have learned through my own experience that this is not always true.

Once you experience attacks you are forced to deal with the event and your belief systems surrounding it. There is a fine line of balance that one must maintain between cultivating the knowledge of such matters to learn how to protect oneself and remain in a neutral association devoid of all judgment and emotional charge. Clarity in these matters is challenging as outside of linear space and time our conscious mind does not function as an indicator and you are left with your intuitive knowingness, your team guidance and verifying your experience by testing it over and over again. Relearning to connect to the innate divine intelligence of the universe takes practice and further practice to regain confidence and trust in your new sense perception. This is why comprehension of your energy field, finding balance and working to integrate all of your bodies energy fields is extremely important. (The process of Integrated Ascension) When you are in a state of psycho-emotional imbalance it is increasingly difficult to maintain clarity in fearless detachment. To increase your ability to understand your bio-energy mechanics in this world and to be archetypally integrated and grounded in the Earth will assist you tremendously in self mastery.

Why is this important? Negative interference causes harm. It blocks the self determining aspects of your life and free will and obstructs your ability to manifest your life purpose. Obsessive negative thinking, illness, depression, physical pain and fatigue and a life filled with fear can all be from these sources.

An example of a negative interference is a 'Karmic Manipulation', when some other person or entity consciously or unconsciously sends karma to you that is not personally yours and not of your ancestors'. Negative manipulation is any act of coercion on any level. It can manifest as nuisances and create more havoc in the life of another. We each have the right to send back any karma or entanglement that is not of our own doing. It cannot be released by the person receiving manipulation, as it is not their karma to release. It will just keep returning to seek energetic balance. Only the person or lineage that generated the karma can release it. If you determine that a karmic manipulation has taken place, intend to send this karma to return back to whomever it belongs to for its release in divine order. If you determine the source it is possible to request and enforce a "ban of non interference" which will ban them from intruding upon your energy field.

As part of your regular intents, you can include: "I command True Spiritual Law in all interactions. All manipulated karma is null and void". This will help stop this sort of interaction from intruding upon your energy field again.

This type of issue is far more likely to what spiritually aware people are feeling in their fields at this time, especially as they increase in vibration. However, there are times that deliberate attacks are made towards others by people who do not understand the laws of karma.

An example of a dynamic of this issue would be a hostile threat received from a religiously indoctrinated person that has a belief and judgment that "all" healers using light as a healing tool are serving satanic forces. This person justified through their religious belief decides to have a personal vendetta targeting one healer in particular and continually sends negative thoughts, threats of curses in the hopes the healer will be incapacitated. Maybe this person goes to their church prayer group to hold prayers to move this healer away from their community, as they feel this person poses a threat to their idea of a relationship to God. If the healer is not aware of the need to scan and clear their energy field and/or develop tools of protection, there is a high potential risk for the healer to develop drained vitality or interference with their work.

Also, persons attracted to the glamour and idea of witchcraft, occultism or ritual that cast spells for personal benefit without understanding intention or caring where these spells go, they are manipulating the free will of another, or even harming others.

A spell or curse is a form of intent that sends out a thought form, entity or pattern. It could be to the universe, to the Earth or nature kingdoms or to another person. Before sending anything out to another person - even if it is seemingly for their own good - you need the permission of that person either directly or indirectly via your higher self and theirs. If you have permission to send them love and healing then this will also return to you as all things must come to equilibrium. Equally, if you send out hate, manipulation and pain to another it will return to you, whether they are aware of it or not.

Using manipulation to achieve results for selfish motives does not contribute to inner peace or spiritual growth but in fact will increase only the lower entities drawn to you, causing more negativity to appear in your life.

For those on the receiving end of such manipulations, there is energetic recourse. Determine with your higher self or spiritual guide for clarity if it is a spell or curse as the issue if you suspect someone doing this towards you. It may be also that the carrying over of such spells and curses from your ancestors has occurred from a time when this was far more common in society.

Again, the natural process of your spiritual growth and rising vibration will bring these things to the surface to be released. As you reach deeper layers of release and achieve energetic balance, keeping the energy field clear, clean and protected should prevent these things from taking hold again and make them easier to preve nt and clear if they do reoccur.

Lightworkers especially will be exposed to other's negative ego and other attacks as they rise to greater leadership position and responsibility. The first lesson is not to react to attacks and lower your vibration by sinking to that level. Remain neutral, detached, forgiving and loving, striving to maintain divine indifference.

Ground yourself, clear your field daily including whatever intentions you need to include and make a protective bubble around yourself. Begin to wean yourself off violent entertainment, gossip, media and negative emotional attachments to others. Intend to align to your authentic soul purposes and divine will. This will improve the quality of your life through daily experience with sensations of a much smoother, more enjoyable and spiritually connected life of synchronicity.

I am including a suggested invocation that addresses the Lords of Karma and any spiritual authority you feel aligned with for support and invention of removing deliberate attempts of others to thwart you from your projects or life purpose. Or, you may simply call upon your Higher Self as the ultimate authority. This is to be addressed from a position of sincerity, higher self alignment and purity of intention. Be clear in your motivations before asking and be sure you address them with reverence and respect.

Ban of Non Interference

Call in your higher self to align you to the highest good and divine will. Fill yourself with the platinum ray pillar of protection removing all misqualified energies.

Request the presence of the Lords of Karma. (Great Divine Director, Goddess Liberty, Lady Nada, Pallas Athena, Elohim Vista, Quan Yin, Lady Portia, Goddess of Justice and Keeper of the Scrolls

Request a Ban on Non interference to be placed as protection for yourself, your operation, your books/ projects. Do this request one at a time for each person or entity you have determined is creating negative interference in your life's work. Request this person be reported to the Karmic Board while removing any and all imposed influences upon you. Ask if there is any agreement or vow you have made with this person/entity in any of your lifetimes. If you get a "Yes" answer, request that you want to be released from the contract permanently and aligned to your highest spiritual purpose removing all obstacles. If answer is "No" continue the request that this person/entity be appropriately shut off from any contact with your energy, removing all sabotage influence and reviewed appropriately.

Thank the Spiritual Masters for their consideration and close your contact with them.

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Starseeds and Lightworkers (12/10/2004)

We will continue the series with a more elaborate look into the various sources resistant to the "shift" into higher consciousness (Ascension) and the vulnerabilities I have experienced myself and witnessed with many of my clients. A large percentage of my clients are in advanced consciousness levels (in comparison to the mass consciousness currently operating on the planet) or have the "Starseed" genetic lineage. The genetics and DNA of a human being are directly linked to the exponentially increased consciousness and potential of that consciousness in a human being. Larger groups of people attaining higher consciousness levels by in large pose a threat to many of our current established hierarchal structures. It would upset the status quo quite a bit, imagine if a huge segment of our population figured out they were indeed "Gods" and had the ability to manifest, create unlimited realities and be self sovereign without needing anything external controlling them into complacence. At this level of self-realization, the collective consciousness mind grids would vibrate with higher thought-form realities and incredible change would happen very quickly. If only we humans understood how to use the incredible power that lies within the mechanics of our bodies and our energy fields!

First to understand more of what the "Starseed" lineage is will help understand why they are vulnerable to attacks more so than a human with a different genetic potential.

Starseed Souls. A way to explain "Starseeds" is to describe specially selected and evolved souls from another planet, star system, galaxy or dimensional plane, whose specific soul purpose (mission) is to act as a bridge between The Spiritual-Angelic Hierarchies and the souls who have lost their connection to their Higher God Selves and their divine purpose. Starseeds bring with them the skills necessary to help assist and catalyze a global shift in consciousness, eventually bringing on a New Era of higher consciousness and resultant paradigm shift.

Because their task is the most difficult one to perform in a very dense dimension such as ours, Starseed's are hand-picked by the Spiritual Hierarchy. The Spiritual Hierarchy is a varied and collective group of Guardians and Life Forms existing in many different forms and dimensions assisting and influencing in the Earth Plan of Evolution. Starseed's are strategically planned and incarnated into various timelines of a planetary "Ascension" cycle. Many beings who volunteer to perform such missions and do so at the risk of forgetting who they are and losing connection with their Higher God Selves and their soul families. Starseeds incarnate into the same conditions of helplessness and total amnesia concerning their identity, origins and purpose (just as the natives whose planet they are visiting) in order to acclimatize to and empathize with Earth conditions and her peoples. Awakening can be gentle and gradual, or quite dramatic and abrupt. In either event, memory is restored to varying degrees, and the access to the soul records, library of light and other information is downloaded as the consciousness is prepared to handle the information. Many are extremely tested to be emotionally purified of negative ego qualities in order to take on greater responsibility as consciously aware stewards building higher consciousness. The more balanced and integrated in archetype as embodied within the being, the greater the sphere of influence and responsibility of stewardship of the "Earth Plan". Once reaching certain levels of spiritual plane integration and awareness, the being is contacted (super-consciously or consciously) and guided to focus on global service.

During the awakening process the Starseed is aligned to reconnect to their spiritual selves, the Spiritual Hierarchy and their soul families for the purpose of realizing their lifetime missions. The connection to their Higher God Selves is strengthened, permitting them to be largely guided by their inner knowing.

Throughout the entire history of human habitation of this planet, there have been numerous evolutionary rounds of dark and light cycles known as "Yugas". In each age, Starseeds were sent here in waves (emigrating to this planet) being called upon to awaken, activate, recover, restore and salvage the previously lost wave of asleep Starseeds. Many of these Starseed souls (who arrived in previous Yugas) may have stayed asleep to their soul mission and found themselves likewise trapped in the reincarnation cycle of a "lower world of form" then from their origination. Identifying with matter created spiritual blindness and then they unwittingly became seduced by the intoxicating, materialistic illusions found upon this planet. This in turn created karmic energies that required further incarnations to balance.

Although Starseeds from this most current wave make up a very small percentage of Earth's population, their mission is great and varied. Once their own awakening is accomplished, Starseeds can begin to help awaken and accelerate other Earth bound Starseed souls to remember their original divine mission and purpose. The awakening in others is activated within an energetic resonance creating the induction of a transformational force that ignites the DNA into action and assisting the other to awaken and remember their lifetime mission. If that mission is not recoverable or is outdated, these souls are taken through new training (usually in the etheric mystery schools off planet) to be prepared to take up a new lifetime mission.

Starseeds are genetic hybrids with various amalgamations of frequency that are sourced from higher dimensions and other worlds and that are held in their energetic template bodies. This means they have genetic preference to receive spiritual current in these various frequencies when planetary shifts into higher frequency occur. Higher frequency activations result in expanded consciousness beyond the current level where the current consciousness dimensional grid holds the parameters of that reality. So it is easier for a Starseed to receive and anchor in the higher frequencies into their energy field and that of the planet's as their dormant DNA is already templated to be activated when exposed to an infusion of Stellar based or spiritual rays of energetic force.

These Stellar Activation Cycles to infuse higher energetic force have already begun, rather recently, on the planet. There are many other beings, life forms (ET's) among others including our own power elite that are aware of these current and pending planetary energy dynamics. The groups are wide and varied with their own motivational purposes, a "service to self" agenda and are implementing various strategies to keep this Ascension cycle of budding higher consciousness to a bare minimum.

In my experience there are many negative interferences perpetrated to thwart those with the energetic and genetic potential to awaken and complete their own spiritual ascension and further prevent them from contributing to the planetary ascension dynamics. A human being is not as effective at awakening others and becoming balanced in their energies to fully contribute to the planet until they have completed their own spiritual integration or Ascension.

When a human being goes through their personal soul evolution and merges into the levels of their light body at higher dimensional planes they reach a plane that simultaneously merges with the highest levels of the planetary energy field. This is considered the soul's initiation into a full planetary ascension and the soul is now merged with group consciousness and considered a planetary "Ascended Master". The soul is then liberated from reincarnation into this 3D world and carries the consciousness and frequency signature to experience higher worlds existing in higher vibration dimensions. They are given choice as to if they are ready to aspire to World Service as Planetary Teacher to specifically focus in assisting the rest of humanity in their awakening. Many new gifts, intuition and knowledge are given and higher sensory perception, energetic forces become available for the Master's use as a steward for the greater good. They also become a holder of transformational force and as a spiritual conduit are able to ignite and awaken others rapidly.

If greater numbers of humanity complete their personal ascension and have their spiritual blindness and veils lifted, they will begin to experience multi-dimensional and higher sensory perceptions. That includes awareness of other beings, lifeforms and the sources of humanities enslavement by various imposed oppressions and manipulations made upon them that they had been previously unaware.

Without getting into the specifics identifying the various sources of negative interference or manipulation, I want to bring to your awareness the areas in which human beings have great probability of being exploited. It is more important to cultivate awareness and your personal power than identify or polarize with an "opposition". Humans acting as "Gods in Amnesia" has created some interesting energy dynamics

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