Elise Boulding Visitor Schedule

Elise passed over on June 24, 2010. See Elise's Journey with Alzheimers for further information.

A Quaker-style Memorial Service will be held on Elise's 90th birthday to celebrate her life from 4:00 to 5:00 pm Tuesday July 6 at the Houghton Memorial Chapel, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA. At the close there will be an opportunity for people who have traveled far, and/or are representing organizations Elise was acitve in to introduce themselves.

There will be a reception starting at 5:30 pm at the Wellesley College Club.

The Chapel is located in southcentral part of campus and the College Club next to the south entrance to the college: Wellesley College Map (click on Chapel to see location).

[More information may be posted about parking]